Wow! I can't believe it's April already. Where did the time go? It's been over a year now that Mama had her heart surgery that sent me on this wild adventure. She's doing great. This house may be the death of me.
Actually we are getting there. It seems like it's taken forever, but in the grand scheme of things, not really.
This has been a very active week. We've gotten so much done that it's amazing. The tile man has been there every day working on the bathroom and now we only like putting the grout in. Once that is done, I can start putting in the fixtures, and you know what that means..........Home!
Since he was inside, the rest of us decided to move outside and work. The weather has been more than cooperative this week with temps in the 70s and even 80s and glorious, beautiful sunshine.
The guys went to work getting the siding in place.
They still have some to do, but the big patches are up. It's looking really good too.
While they were doing that, Builder was getting ready to switch my electrical service over to the new box. We avoided punching a hole in my new roof by going underground from the box to the house. So much nicer. The guys trenched a hole from the house to the pole, which doesn't sound like much until you realize they had to do it through a brush pile, a fence line and red clay. Once that was done, they laid pipe, ran a pull-through cord and called the power company.
Wonder of wonders, the power company was there early the next day. Within two hours they had set the pole, connect the box and installed a transformer. I was back in business power wise.
After that was done, the guys attacked the water lines for me. The plumbing in the house has been done for some time now, but I eventually want to do some serious gardening, so I wanted water near the garden. They ran a line from the main to the garden for me and installed a frost free faucet at the edge of the garden and another one at the end. It will be so wonderful not to have to haul miles of hoses and carry buckets full of water.
And while all this activity was occuring I took on the fence line. It was overgrown in shrubs and underbrush and needed a general tidying up. I realized the time was now or never because the snakes and other creepy crawly things would soon be making it their home. So I attacked it with vigor. It didn't take me long to realize that a hand saw and a pair of loppers just wasn't enough ammunition, so I brought out the big guns.....a chain saw. I sliced through vines, scrub and saplings with ease, and to be honest, it was a lot of fun. Mainly, it did the job. The fence line is clear and now I have to get rid of the waste. Thank God for lighter fluid and matches.
So the weekend is here and I'm stiff as a board. It's suppose to rain though so I can sit back and relax, and dream of perfect landscapes and finished houses.