The Farmette50

The Farmette50

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Giving up

Well, the uploading of pictures is still on the blink, so I'm going to give up on posting photos right now. I'll keep working at it, but for now it's going to be word pictures.

It's September but you'd never know it here. It's still hot, and I mean hot. It was 96 degrees here yesterday. Today is a bit cooler with a little cloud cover so that is nice. Getting some rain has become a beautiful dream. It's dry, dry here now. The grass is crunchy and walking creates a dust cloud. I'm so ready for fall to arrive.

The moon has been full for the last few days. A great big round of yellow cheese in the sky. It's been really beautiful. The other day on the first day of fall, was the actually full moon. A true harvest moon.

We've plowed up the garden. It was pretty much spent. Dug up somewhere around 100 pounds of potatoes, got a few onions and the last of the peppers out. Considering we didn't really do anything to help the garden out this year, we got a lot of food out of it. If we had put in any effort, we might really have produced a good deal more.

Then we planted half of the plot in wheat and half in winter greens. They are all coming up in great abundance. We are having to water them, however. The greens will be ready for picking in about another week or so, and the dogs are grazing on the wheat. They love it.

The chickens have grown double in size since we got them, which is good. The bad news is the majority of them seem to be turning out to be roosters. This could get to be an interesting situation soon. I'm either going to have to find somebody that needs roosters or learn how to process a chicken.

The house is almost done. I ran out of money for a spell so things got put on hold for a bit. Luckily, what is missing is small things, a bit of baseboard here, a touch of paint there, a mirror needing to be hung elsewhere. I've been living there since June, doing things in bits and pieces to get it done. Slowly but surely it's coming together. I got my house in Denver rented out so my builder will be coming back soon to finish up the odds and ends.

I love my house. It's turning out to be everything I wanted it to be. It's Home.

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