I'm going to give a lot of excuses for not blogging in almost two years, but really it's mainly because I just got bored and busy and distracted and I thought nobody was interested. My other excuses are that my computer bit the dust so I'm having to upload from my sister's computer down at my mom's house. (That excuse is a bit weak as I'm spending more time there than at my own place.) My camera also bit the dust, and frankly blog posts are boring without supporting pictures. (Actually, it wasn't the camera, it was the charger, but it's replaced now.)
So here goes. In the last year and a half plus, Sister and I have instituted a lot of changes here (here generally means my house and her and my mom's property where a lot of the actual farming takes place. They are only a half mile apart so the distinction get a bit blurry on occasion. I'll try and remember to let you know where in particular I'm talking about.) We've started several new projects and done lots of work and I'll be talking about that in particular in the future.
Since I posted last, the chickens have expanded. I've got somewhere in the neighborhood of about 75 right now. I had around a hundred at one point, but disease, dogs and hawks over the last several months have taken a toll. We have several baby chicks in various stages of growth, however, to replace the fallen and add even more. The chickens are the main focus right now of my farming efforts so expect a lot of posts on them.
We've also planted lots and lots of fruit trees. I've decided that reaching up and picking fruit is much easier on my back than bending over and picking vegetables (although there will still be plenty of that too. Who am I kidding?)I thought my building was at an end when I got the house done. Not so. Last summer, I put a Hobby House up in the back and moved in my loom, spinning wheel and the buckets and buckets of yarn that I have. It's made quiet the cozy little retreat.
We've added a couple of goats to the menagerie. Lulu is on the left, Jolene is on the right.
And just this week, (yesterday in fact) we installed two beehives. Now that was interesting!
So there's lots happening here at the farmette, and you're going to get to hear about all of it. I'll be posting as things happen and in between, I'll post on lots of the above and a few other things we've done to catch you up to date. I'm looking forward to getting back into this. Hope you are too.
Welcome Back! missed your posts. I really enjoyed visiting with you recently. Thanks for coming to south Georgia,